Getting Compensation When Your Work Leads To Injury
A workplace accident normally qualifies you for workers’ compensation benefits, but that may not be your only legal remedy. If your employer was grossly negligent, then you may be able to bring a lawsuit against them. Additionally, if another person or company was negligent and contributed to your injury on the job, then you may have the opportunity to file a third-party liability claim against the responsible party. To get a clear picture of your legal options after an accidental injury at work, contact an experienced civil litigation attorney.
At Clary | Suba | Neale in Baton Rouge, we understand your position all too well. We are trial lawyers with more than 75 combined years of experience in bringing injury claims and lawsuits in Louisiana and elsewhere. We have represented many other injured workers and are available to evaluate your case. We will help you pursue the relief that you need fro all available sources.
Examples Of Our Past Clients’ Workplace Injuries
We have assisted clients who suffered injuries and losses such as those listed below while engaged in work activities:
- Fall injuries
- Chemical exposure injuries
- Burns and other injuries that occurred due to explosions
This is a brief list, but our clients have had a wide range of accidents and injuries in their Louisiana workplaces, including on offshore oil and gas rigs in the Gulf. We are prepared and equipped to get any workplace injury case under investigation right away. Our goal will be lifting the burdens from your shoulders while pursuing long-term relief for you from the right sources.
Request A Free Consultation With An Injury Law Attorney
Let us hear from you. Our background includes a vast array of personal injury and construction law cases. Chances are, we have helped others employed in the same industry in which you were working when you were injured. We offer full-service legal representation to those who turn to us for counsel.
To schedule a consultation after an industrial, manufacturing, oil rig or other type of workplace accidental injury, call 225-228-3694 or send an email inquiry.