Results-Oriented Attorneys With Integrity And Experience

Attorneys James R. “JR” Clary, Jr., Christopher S. Suba, Casey D. Neale and Briton J. Myer

Will Spousal Support Be Part Of Your Louisiana Divorce? Get Reliable Legal Advice.

The practical implications of a divorce often include the financial instability of a spouse who has been dependent on the other during the marriage. In recognition of the great challenges facing a previously dependent spouse, Louisiana divorce court judges often order spousal support.

If you are approaching divorce, the requirement to pay spousal support can have a substantial effect on your household budget. Or if you are a spouse who will need support, facing the financial realities of life after a separation or divorce can be extra difficult. To understand and protect your rights on either side of the equation, contact us, family law attorneys, at Clary | Suba | Neale as soon as you suspect or know that divorce is on the way.

How Spousal Support May Be Decided In Your Case

While there is not an exact formula for determining spousal support in a Louisiana divorce, the law does spell out factors for family law courts to consider when either spouse needs help meeting basic expenses during and beyond the divorce. When determining whether spousal support is appropriate, which spouse should pay the other, how much it should be and how long it should last, a judge may examine one or more of these factors:

  • Whether it should be interim (temporary, lasting as long as six months beyond your divorce decree) or final (longer lasting) – and if final, how long it should last
  • Whether the would-be recipient spouse has any history of domestic violence or certain felonies committed during the marriage
  • What the income, earning capacity and financial obligations, including custody and child support obligations, are and will be for each spouse
  • The age and health of each spouse and the length of the marriage
  • The tax consequences of a proposed spousal support arrangement

If you have been paying spousal support but now have learned that your ex is cohabitating with a new partner or will soon remarry, contact us. Even if your spousal support order has provisions for such changes, you’ll want a lawyer on your side to help you determine whether you can put an end to the spousal support as soon as possible with your legal bases covered.

Consult With Our Baton Rouge Spousal Support Attorneys

To protect your interests and perhaps your ability to retain your independence during and after a divorce, consult with a family law attorney who knows how to strengthen your position during negotiations, mediation or a trial. At our divorce law firm, Clary | Suba | Neale, we are lawyers with more than 75 combined years of experience in family law in Louisiana and elsewhere, and we are ready to apply our knowledge and talents to your case.

We capably handle spousal support and other complex issues in divorce cases. To schedule a consultation with one of our alimony lawyers, call 225-228-3694 or send an email inquiry. We are family law attorneys who are well prepared to guide you through these challenges.