In Louisiana and other states, many couples are choosing to enter into a covenant marriage. In a nutshell, this family law term means that couples promise to remain married forever. While most people intend marriage to last forever anyway, how does a covenant marriage even work?
According to the state’s Department of Health, couples must agree to two significant provisions when choosing a covenant marriage.
- The parties make a legal agreement to pursue counseling if their marriage begins to deteriorate
- The spouses may only seek to divorce or separate legally for specific and limited reasons such as abuse, adultery or abandonment
The impetus behind these unions is to preserve the covenant of marriage, which has suffered greatly in recent decades with so many marriages ending in divorce. However, it is wise for couples to learn as much as possible about covenant marriages before entering into one. The following pros and cons of such unions can help you decide if it is the right choice for you.
- Pro: Requires pre-marital counseling, which can help couples avoid relationship issues that might arise
- Pro: Strengthens the bonds between all members of the family
- Pro: Agreeing to take marriage preservation steps in the face of adversity can make a marriage stronger
- Con: It is typically more difficult to get a divorce
- Con: Some consider these unions “too religious” in nature
- Con: The difficulty in divorcing can pose financial hardships for each spouse
Before agreeing to a covenant marriage, it is wise to explore the matter further by speaking with a family law attorney. With sound legal guidance, you can avoid ending up in an unsatisfactory relationship from which it is hard to break away.