While some people focus heavily on the monetary compensation that is associated with personal injury claims, there is another reason to seek compensation after a car wreck. This is your chance to hold the driver who caused the wreck accountable before the court. For some victims, this is more important than the money. We understand that there might be several things that drive you to seek compensation. We are here to find out what’s truly important to you so that you can get your case moving.
One thing to remember is that you can seek compensation even if you didn’t notice that you were injured at the scene of the crash. Some injuries might not become evident until weeks after the crash. In those cases, you do need to get medical care as soon as you can so that you can tie the injury to the crash. You can also have the doctor get you started on a treatment plan.
In personal injury cases, plaintiffs have a duty to mitigate the damages. This means that you are taking the reasonable steps necessary to minimize the amount of damages that you have because of it. We know that this might seem like a lot to take in, but don’t worry too much about it. For example, you can’t be forced to have surgery.
We realize that you may have questions that you need answered. We can help you with that while we prepare your claim. You only have a short period of one year to get your claim filed in court, so don’t wait too long since this time might fly by.